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Mobile Road Traffic Solutions

Before travelling, it is recommended for drivers to be prepared. Weather predictions can be found easily but problems arise while traveling if the roads are not good or some construction works are going on. It is also recommended to know the shortest and best route. But this information is difficult to find and can ruin a trip or make the drive to work unpleasant.

The Mobile Road Traffic Information solves one of the common problems of your customers- the traffic woes- by providing all essential traffic related data on your customer’s mobile devices so that the drivers can plan.

Technologies Powering Mobile Road Traffic Solutions

  • Mobile

  • Internet of Things

  • Big Data

  • GPS

How It Works

The app works on a crowd-sourcing model, sourcing real-time data from commuters. Users can report hazards, accidents and suggest the best routes to a particular destination. The solution provides the following functionalities:

The app works on a crowd-sourcing model, sourcing real-time data from commuters. Users can report hazards, accidents and suggest the best routes to a particular destination. The solution provides the following functionalities:

  • Dynamic Map

    The app provides a dynamic map. Users can search destinations and obtain different possible routes leading to it. Along with the route, various details such as traffic jam info, roadblocks and estimated travel time to the destination.

  • Navigation

    Users can enable turn-by-turn voice navigation for their convenience.

  • Help on the road

    Find nearby refueling stations if you are running out of gas, or locate a coffee shop nearby if you wish to recharge yourself.

  • Share with friends

    The app keeps you connected to your friends and you can also share the expected travel time with them about a pre-determined route.


  • Save Travel Time

    Get to know the shortest route, get traffic related and real time alerts through crowd-sourcing.

  • Drive Smooth

    Get alerts about police and road hazards. Navigate with voice commands.

  • Accentuated driving experience

    Facility to share arrival times via social media and other location based services.

WE UNDERSTAND Manufacturing

Deep domain expertise of the industry with solid understanding of manufacturing processes.

IP like MobiusLoop, InstaSense and BrandKinesis for building connected enterprises, context-aware and analytics based solutions.

Reverse innovation to build hard dollar ROI solutions.

MobileFirst workshops for ideation and POC for customers.

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