Internet of Things
Saving time is saving big money. Help fliers from your airport save time by getting airborne easier through a mobile app. Around the globe more than 70% of travelers use smartphones while travelling. Leverage technology to make navigating through the terminals a breeze for fliers.
The mobile airport guide app will be an efficient cost saver, allowing the airport to deliver important information and services to travelers.
Internet of Things
Simply by downloading the app on their smart devices the user can gain access to a host of services that will save his time and make his experience at the airport smoother and more pleasant. The solution offers the following key features:
Simply by downloading the app on their smart devices the user can gain access to a host of services that will save his time and make his experience at the airport smoother and more pleasant. The solution offers the following key features:
The app gives relevant information about the airport location, the airport facility and terminal maps.
The app furnishes information about the airport’s food court and gift shops.
Passengers can view flight details and get live updates on demand on their mobile devices and gain access to flight timetables of every airline, thus reducing chances of missing a flight in case they fail to catch a relevant announcement.
The solution provides an attractive and easy to use interface for accessing all information.
The app caters to all of a traveller’s needs by providing weather updates, details about important city events and landmarks. The app also finds him an accommodation recommends tour organizers on request and can even book a taxi.
The mobile airport guide begins assisting travelers even before they step through the gates of the airport by providing information about parking lot occupancy.
Set high standards of airport customer assistance by being with fliers constantly through mobile technology
Leverage connectivity with mobility and communicate effortlessly at lower costs
Earn revenue through advertising on the app from the local hotels & tour organizers