Marketing media have been evolving digitally for decades; with numerous companies jumping on the mobile bandwagon in the past 3 years, apps are an essential delivery method for tailored mobile experiences however, it is important to realize that amidst the excitement and melee that ensues with initial conceptualization, a well-defined target user-base should be at the forefront of development intentions.
Building an app around specific concepts and functionality but without substantial thought to a target demographic inevitably leads to an unfocused and unsuccessful app. Remember, apps do not have to solve all of the word’s problems. The most successful apps do one thing really well thereby providing a definitive asset to anyone who uses them. Businesses can only drive usage with a primary base that finds value in the app and a secondary base that has the potential to apply and influence said value.
In the early stages of ideation, don’t simply generalize audience analysis. Determine a sharp, clear-cut definition of who your users are. Perhaps you want to launch a user-centric app for self-proclaimed foodies. Here, your primary consumer target consists of involved, cuisine-aficionados across various communities.Involvement from these key individuals mobilize restaurants (secondary base) with incentive to comply with the app’s ranking system. To appease the “buy-local” movement, perhaps these restaurants work with local suppliers, thereby stimulating a foundation for new business development as well. This sort of targeted engagement allows for primary and secondary targets to organically evolve and expand your overall user-base.